Trey sang his first song today. I guess to clarify, it was the first song that he's sung with words we could understand. He sings all the time, but we have no clue what he is singing. Trey also is in a big stage of association. For example, my brother Adam has a dog named Max. Every day, about 6 times a day, Trey goes through a roll of everyone he knows, and wants to know where they are. It was very cute the first 10,000 times he did it. Whenever he mentions "Uncle Adii" he quickly follows with asking about Max. Yesterday, he began associating Uncle Jo Jo with sleep, and he calls my dad Bobbo (Imagine Bob with a long o sound). All that being explained, his song today went something like this:
Bobboooooooo Bobbooooo
Jo Jo Night night
It was a pretty funny, yet beautiful first song. Like father like son I suppose.