Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bizarre Choices

So there's this book Holly and I picked up a couple of years ago.  It's called Zobmondo Book of Bizarre Choices.  We enjoy looking through it and discussing some of the answers.  It has some good questions like, "Would you rather eat a bottle cap OR a spider the size of a bottle cap?" Then it usually throws in some great information like, "In the Amazon, the Kayap people are such adventurous eaters that their language has more than 100 different words for diarrhea." OVER 100 WORDS!!!  Anyway, considering some of the nonsense I've posted on here, why not throw out a good bizarre choice, and let you guys fight it out in the comment section.

Always be itchy
Always feel like you have to pee?

Just so you know the additional information on this says, "In Lynch Heights, Delaware, a woman filed for divorce because her husband 'regularly put itching powder in her underwear when she wasn't looking.'"  I hope this doesn't affect your answers.
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