Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Little Things

I'm not the guy who takes what he has for granted.  I wouldn't have to lose everything to know what I had.  I understand that God has blessed me beyond measure.  I have a wife I believe God taylor-made for me.  In His infinite wisdom He created things within her I didn't even know I would want.  She loves me, cares for me, and shows me on a daily basis.  We enjoy being around each other.  We have two beautiful, healthy kids that bring massive amounts of joy to our lives.  God has been VERY good to me.

Everyday that I pass by the tub I am reminded.  I could get annoyed that when I want an afternoon soak I have to remove a toy box full of balls, rubber ducks, and blocks, but I know I would desperately miss it if it was gone.  So I smile as I remove playthings because I realize it's a gentle reminder of all I've been given, and I know one day it will be gone.  

What little things does God use to let you know of all you've been blessed with?
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