Meet Jonathan Troutman. He likes long moonlit walks on the beach, a gentle spring rain shower, oatmeal cream pies, laying down fat beats on the skins (that is musician's talk for "He plays the drums"), and the occasional easy ranked Sudoku puzzle. He's my best friend. In addition to such a lofty honor, he is our Sudoku challenge winner from yesterday. I posted late last night, and before I was even out of bed this morning I had an email with the bottom picture. Jonathan, your super excellent Sudoku skills have stirred me. It is with great scrupulousness that I supply such an awesome cd as Cannons by Phil Wickham!
Thanks to everyone who emailed me answers. We shall do this again, or something similar, in the near future. Remember, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to outwit ole Jonathan. (You could, however, stay up past 10 and beat him. Did I mention he has a sleeping disorder?) Congrats Trout!